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New and Featured Products

Behemoth and Leviathan
Behemoth and Leviathan:Mythological, Hyperbolic, or Literal? by Dave Miller, Ph.D. The past existence of dinosaurs on Earth is an established historical and scientific fact. "So why doesn't the Bible mention them?" IT DOES. The Bible does, in fact, allude to dinosaur and reptile-like creatures. Like Job, we ought to stand in awe of the living Go...

Defenders Series: Book 1—Defending God
Defending God: His Existence & Creation by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons Throughout the course of human history, God has often used young people to bring about some of His most memorable and brilliant victories. David’s fight with Goliath, Daniel’s bravery in the foreign land of Babylon, and Timothy’s courageous preaching of the Gospel remind u...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Maroon)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Maroon Italian Duotone (Maroon) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautiful, prof...

Dinosaur Poster Kit
Build your own dinosaur poster with this Dinosaur Poster Kit, which includes 20 individual art cards that transform into a 22'' x 27.5'' poster. To build the poster simply adhere the 20 cards in sequence to any flat surface. The back of each card also includes 20 bonus dino sketches from Lewis Lavoie. Great classroom art project Art by Lewis L...

Modern-Day Miracles?
Modern-Day Miracles? by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Anyone who believes the Bible knows that God performed many miracles in history—beginning with the creation of the entire Universe out of nothing by speaking it into existence (Psalm 33:6,9). No one who believes the Bible would deny that miracles have happened in the past. But do they happen now? Can an...

Flood VBS - Sample Kit AP's new FLOOD VBS is making a BIG splash! The sample kit will help your congregation to make the best decision for VBS. Each sample kit comes with teachers' manuals, student workbooks, a director's manual, and much more. What better way to evaluate your VBS needs than having the material in your hands to view and sample? ...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Genuine Leather)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Genuine Leather Genuine Leather (Black) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautiful, profession...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Gray)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Gray Italian Duotone (Charcoal Gray) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautif...

Defend the Faith (T-Shirt) Gray
Defend the Faith (T-Shirt) Gray Looking for a way to promote the work of Apologetics Press and encourage others to defend the truth of New Testament Christianity? Wear an A.P. T-shirt, and do both without saying a word!

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Hardback)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Hardback For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautiful, professional artwork, charts, and photograp...

The Bible Is From God: A Sampling of Proofs
The Bible Is From God: A Sampling of Proofs by Dave Miller, Ph.D. For over 2,000 years, Christians have been defending the authenticity and inspiration of the Bible. The existent evidence has been proclaimed and presented continuously during these two millennia. Indeed, the divine inspiration of the Bible has been firmly established and can neve...

Explorer Series 1: Christian Evidences for Kids
Explorer Series: Christian Evidences for Kids(Journey #1) Recommended for Fifth - Sixth Grades This series is an invaluable teaching tool for parents who want their children to know the truth about the evidence standing behind their faith. Each full-color, 8-page lesson includes professional artwork and illustrations that appeal to young readers...

Reasons to Believe
Reasons to Believe by Eric Lyons & Kyle Butt About 33 million adults in the United States classify themselves as atheists or agnostics. On the other hand, about 294 million adults believe in a God of some sort. Regardless of which view you currently hold, we can all agree that the time has come for an open discussion of God’s existence, the ...

What the Bible says about the Mormon Church
What the Bible says about the Mormon Church by Dave Miller Ph.D. Is one church better than another church? Are some churches right and other churches wrong? Can a person simply pick whatever church he or she enjoys the most? These, and other such questions, often weigh on the minds of sincere religious people. In truth, there is really only one ...

Is the Bible God's Word
Is the Bible God's Word? by Kyle Butt In a world of shifting values, uncertain standards, and rampant skepticism, the message of the Bible has remained unchanged for millennia. But the Bible has not been without its enemies. Can those who believe the Bible ably defend it against the incessant attacks of modern-day critics? Does the Bible contain...

Dinosaurs Unleashed - 3rd Ed.
Dinosaurs Unleashed (Revised Edition) The True Story About Dinosaurs and Humans by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons Packed with beautiful illustrations and informative, easy-to-read text, this edition of AP's most popular children's book is a “must have” for those who want to know the truth about dinosaurs and humans. Written on a 3rd-6th grade level, D...

Out With Doubt
Out With DoubtA Look At The Evidence For Christianity by Kyle Butt This volume, written mainly for junior high and high school age groups, examines the existence of God, the inspiration of the Bible, the age of the Earth, dinosaurs and the Bible, miracles, the resurrection of Christ, and other topics, including what a person must do to be saved....

Created (T-Shirt) Mint
Created (T-Shirt) Mint Looking for a way to promote the work of Apologetics Press and encourage others to defend the truth of New Testament Christianity? Wear an A.P. T-shirt, and do both without saying a word!

Christian Evidences Study Course - Introductory
Introductory Christian Evidences Study Course This set was written using a common, everyday vocabulary that is especially appealing to young people of junior or senior high ages, as well as those who are incarcerated. Each lesson stands on its own, and contains written exercises on a perforated sheet so that students may hand (or mail) them in f...

Discovery Subscription
DiscoveryScripture and Science for Kids 1 or 2 Year Subscription Discovery is a colorful, beautifully illustrated, eight-page, monthly magazine written especially for kids. Each issue contains faith-building lessons on science and the Bible, as well as fun activities to reinforce the truths presented in each article. Children from 8 to 12 years...