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Always Be Ready
Always Be Ready by Kyle Butt In these trying times, Christian young people need to do more than lock in a holding pattern and hope for the best. They must be equipped to confront unbelief with a bold, kind, loving, and fearless attitude. As the inspired apostle Peter stated, they need to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks yo...

Defenders Series: Book 1—Defending God
Defending God: His Existence & Creation by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons Throughout the course of human history, God has often used young people to bring about some of His most memorable and brilliant victories. David’s fight with Goliath, Daniel’s bravery in the foreign land of Babylon, and Timothy’s courageous preaching of the Gospel remind u...

Defenders Series: Book 2—Defending the Bible
Defending the Bible by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons This second book in AP’s Defenders Series is for young people who want to learn about the evidence for the inspiration of the Bible. Defending the Bible can help teens strengthen their faith, heighten their skills in studying what they will come to know is God’s Word, and build confidence in thei...

Defenders Series: Book 3—Defending Jesus
Defending Jesus by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons This third book in AP’s Defenders Series is for young people who want to go deeper in their knowledge and love of the nature, life, sacrifice, teachings, and resurrection of Jesus. Nothing is more important than learning all about and defending our Lord and Savior. Chapter Titles include (among othe...

Defenders Series: Book 4—Defending Your Faith
Defending Your Faith by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons Our secular society continues to attack the Christian faith. At some point, each of us must build a personal faith worth fighting for. Will our young people have the knowledge and courage to stand up in defense of their Creator and Savior? Chapter Titles include (among others): Commanded t...

Flooded by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. Not only have most people forgotten the Flood, but many people reject the Bible because of its account of the Flood. “Where’s the scientific evidence for a Flood covering the whole Earth?” Others reject the Bible because they believe the fossil record, evidences for the Ice Age, Pangaea, and the age of the Earth, d...

God's Power In YOUth
God's Power In YOUth by Kyle Butt & Tony Choate If God could use Mary, Timothy and so many other young people to change the world during a time without YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, what can God do today, with YOUth? Let's do away with the notion that young people are the Church of tomorrow and start seeing them like God does—as the Chur...

Helpful Tools As You Begin Building Your Christian Life
Helpful Tools As You Begin Building Your Christian Life Now that you are a Christian, what are your responsibilities? Is there anything you need to know about the Bible that will help you understand it and interpret it correctly? Are there specific materials that would be good recommendations to have nearby as study helps? Answers to these quest...

Illuminators 1
Illuminators by Josh Hardin Braden goes to Bible class every Sunday. He has for his entire life. Then one day at school, a girl asks him a question he can't answer: "If God is real, why did He let my dad die?" Braden begins to wonder: Is God real? Suddenly, things he knew were true became dark and cloudy. So his mom gives him a special light—an ...

Illuminators 2
Illuminators 2 by Josh Hardin Anajha wondered, was the Bible true? Or was it only full of good stories someone invented? The Illuminators app flickered. What did it mean? She knew God was real, but now she wasn’t sure if she could trust the Bible. How could she know? And what did that say about God? Wasn’t He powerful enough to send us a message...

Illuminators 3
Illuminators 3 by Josh Hardin “Why do I have to do everything Jesus says?” As soon as he asked, Jeremy knew it was a mistake. So did his mom. That’s why she grounded him from video games for a week. But maybe it was a good question. Why did Jeremy, or anyone else, have to do what Jesus says? Who is Jesus, that He can tell people what they should...

Matter of Fact
Matter of Fact:More Evidence for Christianity by Kyle Butt As evolution and skepticism continue to bombard our teens, we continue to fight back with the Truth. Written in the same format as Out With Doubt, this book digs into more Christian evidences, dealing with subjects like the biblical concept of faith, the Bible and archaeology, the laws o...

Out With Doubt
Out With DoubtA Look At The Evidence For Christianity by Kyle Butt This volume, written mainly for junior high and high school age groups, examines the existence of God, the inspiration of the Bible, the age of the Earth, dinosaurs and the Bible, miracles, the resurrection of Christ, and other topics, including what a person must do to be saved....

Reasons to Believe
Reasons to Believe by Eric Lyons & Kyle Butt About 33 million adults in the United States classify themselves as atheists or agnostics. On the other hand, about 294 million adults believe in a God of some sort. Regardless of which view you currently hold, we can all agree that the time has come for an open discussion of God’s existence, the ...

Teenager's Guide to Life in the Church
The Teenager's Guide to Life in the Church by Kyle Butt & Stan Butt, Jr. Designed to equip teens to critically analyze how destructive change creeps into the Lord’s church and where change leads, this book helps direct teens in the fundamental truths of God’s Word, while offering a well-balanced approach that veers neither to the right nor t...

The King's Journey: A Princess Rescue
The King's Journey: A Princess Rescue by Josh Hardin Juvenile Christian fiction has proven to be an effective way to impart profound spiritual truths, as is evidenced by C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. Join author Josh Hardin as he presents a tale of two honest-hearted young people who are sent on a journey by the wise king to rescue a princes...

Truth Be Told - Book
Truth Be Told by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons If you have spent much time looking through popular science textbooks, then you know that they contain some good science. You also know, however, that sprinkled in among the accurate, solid scientific facts are evolutionary assumptions and false ideas. These evolutionary ideas do not always make up the ...

Truth Hunters - Book
by Jeremy Pate & Josh Hardin The Truth Hunters book, which is a 260-page adventure story, was written as a parable to introduce your students and families to the concepts that will be studied during your VBS. Truth Hunters is the story of what it takes to find and defend the truth of God’s Word, told in a way that will excite and engage both...

Witness Series - Angeliki and the Shipwreck
Witness Series - Angeliki and the Shipwreck by Josh Hardin Trapped in a hurricane on a sinking ship! Angeliki had a good life in Colossae—the daughter of an official Roman interpreter, an easy life with plenty of food and clothes and friends. But storm clouds blew all that away. Now she has to move all the way to Rome, center of the world, and l...

Witness Series - Benjamin & Feeding the 5,000
Witness Series - Benjamin & Feeding the 5,000 by Josh Hardin Benjamin was only eight years old, but his father let him run through Capernaum all by himself because he knew everyone, and he was the best fish salesman at the market. One day everything changed when his friends Andrew and Peter didn’t show up to fish. Their partner, Zebedee, tol...