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A Study of Ezekiel (The Man of Chebar)
The Man of ChebarA Study of Ezekiel by Frank Chesser The Man of Chebar describes a spiritual voyage with God and Ezekiel that depicts God's mighty wrath against horrendous evil in contrast to Israel's restoration to life, God, Canaan, and one another. In the author's words, "The book of Ezekiel is a divine narrative of the nature of God, sin, ju...

Am I Ready to Be Baptized?
Am I Ready to Be Baptized? by Kyle Butt The dream of every Christian parent is to see his or her child mature to the point of becoming a Christian. Training up a child in the way he should go certainly is no easy task. In fact, it ranks among the toughest missions in life. One of the most difficult aspects of this job is knowing when your child ...

Ancient Marriage in a Modern World
Ancient Marriage in a Modern World: Submitting to God's Plan for the Home by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. Does God have a plan for marriage that will lead to stronger, happier, longer-lasting, more spiritual relationships and families whose faith will endure the trials of life? Is the Bible unenlightened in its portrait of marriage? Does modern society’s...

Bible On Trial
The Bible On Trial by Wayne Jackson Never has the book market been more flooded with anti-Bible volumes. The faith of Christians is challenged constantly. For almost a half-century Wayne Jackson has made a special study of the evidences that pertain to the credibility of the Bible. He has surveyed the critical works that have put "the Bible of t...

Bible Translation Controversy
The Bible Translation Controversy by Wayne Jackson Which translation of the Bible is the “right” translation? Some view with suspicion most anyone who uses any Bible translation other than the King James Version. Others, with an equal lack of discernment, exhibit little interest in a textually accurate edition of God’s Holy Book. This little vol...

Creation, Evolution and the Age of the Earth
Creation, Evolution and the Age of the Earth by Wayne Jackson There is one matter upon which both creationists and evolutionists agree. It is this: Time is absolutely crucial to the evolutionary scheme. Without long eras of time—billions of years—there is utterly no way to accommodate the theory of evolution. In this book, Wayne Jackson, drawing...

Fake Founding Father Quotes Examined
Fake Founding Father Quotes Examined by Dave Miller, Ph.D. This book analyzes several quotations from atheist and politically liberal Web sites. The quotations supposedly prove that the Founding Fathers were atheists and deists. They allege that the Founders intended for Christianity to have no part in the founding of the country. Typical quotat...

Female Leadership in the Church?
Female Leadership in the Church? by Dave Miller A classroom tool for Bible study that answers the critical question: Is male leadership in the church a matter of culture—or creation? Contains abbreviated, bulleted outlines that simplify Bible passages pertaining to gender roles. Suitable for private Bible study as well as church Bible classes an...

Footprints in the Ash
Footprints in the Ash The Explosive Story of Mount St. Helens by John Morris & Steven Austin In the early morning hours of May 18, 1980, the pristine scenery around Washington's Mount St. Helens was shattered by a powerful explosion that devastated its north slope. The eruption of a landmark mountain had begun. In the aftermath, amid the ...

God's Power In YOUth
God's Power In YOUth by Kyle Butt & Tony Choate If God could use Mary, Timothy and so many other young people to change the world during a time without YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, what can God do today, with YOUth? Let's do away with the notion that young people are the Church of tomorrow and start seeing them like God does—as the Chur...

Heart of Isaiah
The Heart of Isaiah by Frank Chesser Do you have questions about Isaiah? So does Frank Chesser. In fact, he has 1546 questions and answers. This workbook includes every chapter and verse recorded by the greatest messianic prophet in the Old Testament. Each chapter is launched with analysis, notes, observations, and applications. If you want to s...

Helpful Tools As You Begin Building Your Christian Life
Helpful Tools As You Begin Building Your Christian Life Now that you are a Christian, what are your responsibilities? Is there anything you need to know about the Bible that will help you understand it and interpret it correctly? Are there specific materials that would be good recommendations to have nearby as study helps? Answers to these quest...

Hidden Meanings Buried in the Bible
Hidden Meanings Buried in the Bible by Dave Miller, Ph.D. When reading the Bible, one encounters many oddities and perplexing peculiarities that call for clarification. Here are a few treated in this book: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the men of Sodom? Why did God tell Job to “gird up his loins”? Why did the wife of Phinehas name her n...

How We Got The Bible
How We Got The Bible by Neil Lightfoot A valuable compendium of information on how the Bible came into existence. Includes discussions on the Apocrypha and recent translations. This volume is an excellent study aid for the serious Bible student. Revised and updated edition. 2010, 224 pages, paperback

Illuminators 2
Illuminators 2 by Josh Hardin Anajha wondered, was the Bible true? Or was it only full of good stories someone invented? The Illuminators app flickered. What did it mean? She knew God was real, but now she wasn’t sure if she could trust the Bible. How could she know? And what did that say about God? Wasn’t He powerful enough to send us a message...

Illuminators 3
Illuminators 3 by Josh Hardin “Why do I have to do everything Jesus says?” As soon as he asked, Jeremy knew it was a mistake. So did his mom. That’s why she grounded him from video games for a week. But maybe it was a good question. Why did Jeremy, or anyone else, have to do what Jesus says? Who is Jesus, that He can tell people what they should...

Im A Christian Whats Next?
I'm A Christian What's Next? by Kyle Butt When young people decide to become Christians, the angels in Heaven rejoice. It is unfortunate, however, that many people view baptism as the end of the conversion process. In truth, baptism is the beginning of a new life in Christ. Young Christians who are 9-13 years old need guidance and direction as t...

In the Way He Should Go (Volume 1)
In the Way He Should Go (Volume 1) Rearing Children With a Bible by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. If you’re like most people, you’ve had little instruction or training in preparation for childrearing. You’re just “winging it”—learning as you go. Perhaps you’ve heard some basic principles from your family, pop culture, and child “experts.” With regard to w...

In the Way He Should Go (Volume 2)
In the Way He Should Go (Volume 2) Preparing Children for God by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. Step 1 of biblical childrearing (“Teach”—covered in Volume I) was the “easy” part. Now we turn to the difficult, socially unpopular, often little known, almost inevitably misapplied but essential steps in childrearing as described in Scripture: Train and Correct...

Life-Changing Questions
Life-Changing Questions by Frank Chesser When God inquires of man, His questions contain every principle essential for man's journey from earth to heaven, from "Where art thou?" in Genesis to Malachi's "Will a man rob God?" God's inquires are timeless. How different life would be if we made deliberate choices for personal inventory asking God'...