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New and Featured Products

Truth Hunters Board Game - Booster Pack
The Truth Hunters Booster Pack of 1,000 general Bible questions is a great addition to the Truth Hunters Board Game as well as a stand-alone game of general Bible trivia! NOTE: The Truth Hunters Booster Pack does not include game items, such as the board and pieces, that are part of the game set. Also, consider purchasing the Truth Hunters Boar...

Truth Hunters VBS (SAMPLE KIT)
Truth Hunters VBS - Sample Kit AP’s new Truth Hunters VBS is here! The sample kit will help your congregation to make the best decision for your VBS. Each sample kit comes with teacher manuals, student packages, a director’s manual, and much more. What better way to evaluate your VBS needs than having the material in your hands to view and sampl...

Bible Class Poster Set - Salvation Package
Bible Class Poster Set - SALVATION Package (11 Posters) Size: 24 x 36 inches Illustrate principles of salvation in an engaging, easy-to-understand way with this visually dynamic set of posters that will be helpful to learners of all ages. Posters Included: The Ancestry of Jesus 4 Ways to Obey God's Plan for Salvation Prophecy: By the Numbers J...

Bible Class Poster Set - Instruction Package
Bible Class Poster Set - INSTRUCTION Package (10 Posters) Size: 24 x 36 inches The stunning artwork and images in this set of posters will draw learners in and emphasize biblical principles and truths, covering a wide range of scriptural topics. Posters Included: An "Encounter" With the Ark Peter Was Ready... Are You? Paul: A Fearless Man of A...

Bible Class Poster Set - Inspiration Package
Bible Class Poster Set - INSPIRATION Package (6 Posters) Size: 24 x 36 inches Make learning about the inspiration of the Bible come alive with these informative and visually appealing posters. Posters Included: 7 Examples of Foreknowledge What Is a Prophet? 4 Prophecies Books of the New Testament Legacy of the Bible Do the Math 2 Timothy 3:16...

Bible Class Poster Set - Creation Package
Bible Class Poster Set - CREATION Package (7 Posters) Size: 24 x 36 inches Use this poster collection to enrich the instructing of students of all ages on the supernatural Creation of “the earth, the sea, and all that is in them….” (Exodus 20:11). Posters Included: Laws of Nature Days of Creation - Teen Design in the Human Body Dial-A-Day Micr...

AP Defending the Faith Bible Personal-Carry Edition (Leather)
[NOTE: This personal-carry edition is NOT our extensive, 2,500-page apologetics STUDY Bible, but a smaller Bible with some good basic study notes for relatively new Bible readers.] NO BULK PRICING ON THIS BINDING TYPE Features: New King James Version Genuine Leather cover 1,458 pages / Weight: 2 pounds Includes Old and New Testament text Bri...

What the Bible says about the Jehovah's Witnesses
What the Bible says about the Jehovah's Witnesses by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Is one church better than another church? Are some churches right and other churches wrong? Can a person simply pick whatever church he or she enjoys the most? These, and other such questions, often weigh on the minds of sincere religious people. In truth, there is really on...

Truth Hunters - The Board Game
Designed as a follow-up for the 2025 Truth Hunters VBS (a study on the inspiration of the Bible), but can also be played by families NOW! Truth Hunters: the Board Game contains 3 decks of question cards - 2 of the decks (gray and blue) serve as a review of the Truth Hunters VBS material (500 questions), and 1 of the decks (red) is general Bible ...

Truth Hunters - Book
by Jeremy Pate & Josh Hardin The Truth Hunters book, which is a 260-page adventure story, was written as a parable to introduce your students and families to the concepts that will be studied during your VBS. Truth Hunters is the story of what it takes to find and defend the truth of God’s Word, told in a way that will excite and engage both...

Witness Series - Angeliki and the Shipwreck
Witness Series - Angeliki and the Shipwreck by Josh Hardin Trapped in a hurricane on a sinking ship! Angeliki had a good life in Colossae—the daughter of an official Roman interpreter, an easy life with plenty of food and clothes and friends. But storm clouds blew all that away. Now she has to move all the way to Rome, center of the world, and l...

The Name of Jesus VBS - Sample Kit AP’s new Jesus VBS is here! The sample kit will help your congregation to make the best decision for your VBS. Each sample kit comes with teacher manuals, student packages, a director’s manual, and much more. What better way to evaluate your VBS needs than having the material in your hands to view and sample? E...

AP Defending the Faith Bible Personal-Carry Edition (Black/Hardback)
[NOTE: This personal-carry edition is NOT our extensive, 2,500-page apologetics STUDY Bible, but a smaller Bible with some good basic study notes for relatively new Bible readers.] BULK PRICING: Purchase 30 or more at just $7.00 each. Bulk pricing will be reflected at checkout. Thumb Tab Option Bulk Price is $8.00 each. Features: New King Jam...

AP Defending the Faith Bible Personal-Carry Edition (Brown/Softback)
[NOTE: This personal-carry edition is NOT our extensive, 2,500-page apologetics STUDY Bible, but a smaller Bible with some good basic study notes for relatively new Bible readers.] Bulk Pricing: Purchase 30 or more at just $7.00 each. Bulk pricing will be reflected at checkout. Thumb Tab Option Bulk Price is $8.00 each. Features: New King James...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Hardback) THUMB INDEX
efending the Faith Study Bible - Hardback [THUMB INDEX] We are very excited to announce that the NEW AP Defending the Faith Study Bible (Hardback). Hardback — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Positi...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Maroon) THUMB INDEX
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Maroon [THUMB INDEX] Italian Duotone (Maroon) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• B...

Blind Faith (T-Shirt)
Blind Faith (T-Shirt) Looking for a way to encourage others to examine the truth of New Testament Christianity and promote the AP website? Wear an AP T-shirt, and do both without saying a word! Blind Faith or Faith Based on Evidence?

Defenders Series: Book 4—Defending Your Faith
Defending Your Faith by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons Our secular society continues to attack the Christian faith. At some point, each of us must build a personal faith worth fighting for. Will our young people have the knowledge and courage to stand up in defense of their Creator and Savior? Chapter Titles include (among others): Commanded t...

Witness Series - Eliakim & the Ten Plagues
Witness Series - Eliakim & the Ten Plagues by Josh Hardin Eliakim was just like a spy! As a Hebrew slave in Pharaoh’s palace, he had learned to listen and report everything he heard. This would be his biggest job of all: report on how Pharaoh reacts when Moses and Aaron arrive and tell Pharaoh he must let God’s people go. That means Eliakim ...

Witness Series - Benjamin & Feeding the 5,000
Witness Series - Benjamin & Feeding the 5,000 by Josh Hardin Benjamin was only eight years old, but his father let him run through Capernaum all by himself because he knew everyone, and he was the best fish salesman at the market. One day everything changed when his friends Andrew and Peter didn’t show up to fish. Their partner, Zebedee, tol...