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Tracts - Existence of God

7 Reasons to Believe in God
7 Reasons to Believe in God by Eric Lyons & Kyle Butt A sincere seeker of truth who follows the available evidence will come to the logical conclusion that God exists. Admittedly, this belief in the 21st century is not the result of seeing God's Spirit or touching His actual essence. What we have at our fingertips, however, is a mountain of ...

How Can a Loving God Punish People Eternally?

Faith Founded on Facts

Faith, Evidence, & Credible Testimony

Faith and Knowledge
Though many people use the term “faith” to refer to that which cannot be positively known, the Bible does not place “faith” and “knowledge” in contradistinction to each other. Rather, the Bible teaches that one cannot possess biblical faith until and unless he comes to know what is to be believed.

Ideas Have Consequences

Christianity and Humanism