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Tracts - Doctrinal Matters

13 Objections to Baptism Answered
13 Objections to Baptism Answered by Dave Miller, Ph.D. While numerous verses in the New Testament forthrightly declare the essentiality of water baptism as a prerequisite to salvation, nevertheless, many objections have been raised in an effort to discount this conclusion. This tract examines 13 such objections. Booklet, 24 pages

Instrumental Music In Worship: Is It A "Big Deal"?
Instrumental Music In Worship: Is It A "Big Deal"? by Dr. Dave Miller We humans often have difficulty striking a balance in many aspects of our lives—from what and how much we eat, to how much time we spend in various pursuits. Even in religion, it is easy for individuals to spend so much time and effort emphasizing some doctrines in both teachi...

5 Reasons Racism is Ridiculous
The simple fact that God exists means morality exists, and mankind has a moral responsibility. Can Christians be racists and still be pleasing to God? Racism is contrary to God's love. Racism is contrary to God's desire for mankind to live peaceably together. - Single Sheet Folded Tract

Baptism, Making Sense of
One reason why some religious people do not feel that baptism in water is a prerequisite for salvation is because “it doesn’t make any sense.” Why would God demand that a sinner be immersed in water in order to receive the abundant amount of heavenly blessings found “in Christ” (cf. Galatians 3:27; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:34-40; 2 Timothy 2:10; Coloss...

Calling on the Name of the Lord

Baptism: Contradictory or Complementary?

Understanding the Bible

Surrendering to His Lordship
by Dave Miller, Ph.D. This pamphlet addresses the all-important principle of authority as expounded in Scripture, pinpointing the means by which the honest inquirer may understand how the Bible authorizes, i.e., how we may know what God approves and disapproves in religion, in worship, in daily living, and in all of life. An understanding of th...

To Judge or Not to Judge

The Universe—A "Waste of Space"?
by Dave Miller, Ph.D. - Single Sheet Folded Tract