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Tract (mix and match)

5 Reasons Racism is Ridiculous
The simple fact that God exists means morality exists, and mankind has a moral responsibility. Can Christians be racists and still be pleasing to God? Racism is contrary to God's love. Racism is contrary to God's desire for mankind to live peaceably together. - Single Sheet Folded Tract

Baptism, Making Sense of
One reason why some religious people do not feel that baptism in water is a prerequisite for salvation is because “it doesn’t make any sense.” Why would God demand that a sinner be immersed in water in order to receive the abundant amount of heavenly blessings found “in Christ” (cf. Galatians 3:27; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:34-40; 2 Timothy 2:10; Coloss...

Calling on the Name of the Lord

How Can a Loving God Punish People Eternally?

Baptism: Contradictory or Complementary?

Understanding the Bible

"The Laws of Thermodynamics Don't Apply to the Universe!"
by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. - Single Sheet Folded Tract

Faith Founded on Facts

Archaeology and the Bible

"You Creationists are not Qualified to Discuss Evolution!"
by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. - Single Sheet Folded Tract

Truth about Dinosaurs
Truth about... Dinosaurs

Does the Fossil Record Support the Theory of Human Evolution?

What’s So Important About Jesus’ Resurrection

Behemoth: "The First of the Ways of God"
Behemoth: "The First of the Ways of God"

Dinosaurs, Could Humans Have Lived With?

Faith, Evidence, & Credible Testimony

Faith and Knowledge
Though many people use the term “faith” to refer to that which cannot be positively known, the Bible does not place “faith” and “knowledge” in contradistinction to each other. Rather, the Bible teaches that one cannot possess biblical faith until and unless he comes to know what is to be believed.

To Judge or Not to Judge

Are Jesus' Words More Important than the Bible Writers?

Ideas Have Consequences