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Bible Class & Evangelism

Christian Evidences Study Course - Introductory
Introductory Christian Evidences Study Course This set was written using a common, everyday vocabulary that is especially appealing to young people of junior or senior high ages, as well as those who are incarcerated. Each lesson stands on its own, and contains written exercises on a perforated sheet so that students may hand (or mail) them in f...

Christian Evidences Study Course - Intermediate
Intermediate Christian Evidences Study Course The course is designed for a student who already has completed the first course, or for someone who simply wants to pursue a somewhat more in-depth study. Each lesson stands on its own, and contains written exercises on a perforated sheet so that students may hand (or mail) them in for grading. The 1...

Christian Evidences Study Course - Advanced
Advanced Christian Evidences Study Course This course picks up where the Introductory and Intermediate courses left off. It covers some topics in more detail than the first two and raises some new concepts as well. Each lesson stands on its own, and contains written exercises on a perforated sheet so that students may hand (or mail) them in for ...