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Dinosaurs Unleashed - 3rd Ed.
Dinosaurs Unleashed (Revised Edition) The True Story About Dinosaurs and Humans by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons Packed with beautiful illustrations and informative, easy-to-read text, this edition of AP's most popular children's book is a “must have” for those who want to know the truth about dinosaurs and humans. Written on a 3rd-6th grade level, D...

Always Be Ready
Always Be Ready by Kyle Butt In these trying times, Christian young people need to do more than lock in a holding pattern and hope for the best. They must be equipped to confront unbelief with a bold, kind, loving, and fearless attitude. As the inspired apostle Peter stated, they need to "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks yo...

Baptism and the Greek Made Simple
Baptism & the Greek Made Simple by Dave Miller, Ph.D. The Greek grammar that the Holy Spirit selected to express Himself is sufficiently clear that the translators of the average English translation have conveyed to the average person Christ's intention with regard to the purpose of baptism. We must not allow our church affiliations or huma...

Wonders of Gods Creation - Book
Wonders of God's Creation by Eric Lyons According to the General Theory of Evolution, over billions of years of mindless, aimless evolution, the Earth became filled with a variety of amazing, wonderfully designed animals. Some life forms “just happened” to evolve the ability to breathe oxygen, while others “just happened” to develop the ability ...

Dinosaur Delusion, The
The Dinosaur Delusion by Eric Lyons and Kyle Butt The evidence within this book provides an irrefutable case that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. The authors masterfully weave the scientific and historical evidence into the biblical model of creation, showing that true science does not contradict an accurate reading of the Bible. 2008, 244 pages...

God and Government
God & Government by Dave Miller, Ph.D. A clarion call to return civil government to its proper moorings as articulated by both God and the Founding Fathers. These essays on God & government answer the following questions: • What is the purpose of government? • What are "unalienable rights"? • What Law should be the basis of the nation? •...

Christian's Guide to Refuting Modern Atheism
A Christian's Guide to Refuting Modern Atheism by Kyle Butt The atheistic community’s numbers are on the rise in the U.S. due to its fervent, evangelistic tactics among our nation’s impressionable youth. Christians have been called to “always be ready to give a defense to anyone” who would challenge the existence of God and the Faith of His Son ...

Is the Bible God's Word
Is the Bible God's Word? by Kyle Butt In a world of shifting values, uncertain standards, and rampant skepticism, the message of the Bible has remained unchanged for millennia. But the Bible has not been without its enemies. Can those who believe the Bible ably defend it against the incessant attacks of modern-day critics? Does the Bible contain...

Anvil Rings, The (Volume 1)
The Anvil Rings (Volume 1) Answers To Alleged Bible Discrepancies by Eric Lyons One of the first things that any honest truth-seeker would want to know, if someone came to him claiming to be in possession of revelation from God, is if the “revelation” was factually accurate. The fallibility of the message would be the first indication that it w...

Scientists Speak Out About God & Evolution
Scientists Speak Out About God & Evolution editor Dave Miller, Ph.D. The scientific community is thoroughly dominated by naturalists and atheists. However, a considerable number of credibly credentialed scientists reject the naturalistic framework and organic evolution. Many believe instead in the God of the Bible and the Bible’s depiction ...

Anvil Rings, The (Volume 3)
The Anvil Rings (Volume III) Answers To Alleged Bible Discrepancies by Eric Lyons Critically examining one’s faith and taking the time and effort to find answers to difficult questions is a good (and necessary) thing to do if a person wants to have a fortified faith. Far too often, Christians find themselves unprepared to combat the charges lev...

Anvil Rings, The (Volume 2)
The Anvil Rings (Volume II) Answers To Alleged Bible Discrepancies by Eric Lyons The Anvil Rings volume 2 was written in order to assist Christians in their fight against skepticism and to help non-Christians see how logical it is to believe in an inspired, inerrant Bible. Whether you are a plumber or a preacher, a biochemist or a bricklayer, a...

Silencing of God
The Silencing of God: The Dismantling of America's Christian Heritage by Dave Miller, Ph.D. The forces of political correctness are expunging Christianity from American life. Yet the historical evidence is decisive: the American Republic was purposely founded on the moral principles of the Christian religion. This coffee-table book version of...