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Reasons to Believe - Tracts

15 Reasons the Big Bang and Evolution are Unscientific
15 Reasons the Big Bang and Evolution are Unscientific by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. Since God is quickly being removed from society, naturalistic theories like the Big Bang and Darwinian Evolution have become mainstream dogma in the scientific community. But do the Big Bang and evolution actually harmonize with the evidence? Are they really valid scien...

3 Reasons to Believe the Bible Has Not Been Corrupted
3 Reasons to Believe the Bible Has Not Been Corrupted by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Do we have the message penned by the original authors of the New Testament? The books of the Bible are the most extensively verified books of ancient history. The facts completely undermine and discredit any attack on the integrity and transmission of the Bible. The evid...

3 Reasons to Believe the Bible is from God
3 Reasons to Believe the Bible is from God by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons The Bible writers understood that their writings were not based on imaginary, unverifiable people and events, but instead were grounded on solid, verfiable facts. The Bible writers insisted that the information they penned was accurate and factual, and should be accepted, n...

7 Reasons to Believe in God
7 Reasons to Believe in God by Eric Lyons & Kyle Butt A sincere seeker of truth who follows the available evidence will come to the logical conclusion that God exists. Admittedly, this belief in the 21st century is not the result of seeing God's Spirit or touching His actual essence. What we have at our fingertips, however, is a mountain of ...

5 Reasons to Believe in Jesus
5 Reasons to Believe in Jesus by Eric Lyons & Kyle Butt If God exists and the Bible is His Word, then the evidence for Jesus being more than a mere man is conclusive. Fulfilling hundreds of ancient, inspired prophecies and working all manner of miracles, all the while claiming equality with God, makes Jesus different than any other person ev...