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Defenders Series: Book 4—Defending Your Faith
Defending Your Faith by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons Our secular society continues to attack the Christian faith. At some point, each of us must build a personal faith worth fighting for. Will our young people have the knowledge and courage to stand up in defense of their Creator and Savior? Chapter Titles include (among others): Commanded t...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Genuine Leather)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Genuine Leather Genuine Leather (Black) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautiful, profession...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Hardback)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Hardback For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautiful, professional artwork, charts, and photograp...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Hardback) THUMB INDEX
efending the Faith Study Bible - Hardback [THUMB INDEX] We are very excited to announce that the NEW AP Defending the Faith Study Bible (Hardback). Hardback — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Positi...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Brown)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Brown For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautiful, professional artwork, charts, an...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Brown) THUMB INDEX
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Brown [THUMB INDEX] Italian Duotone (Brown) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Bea...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Gray)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Gray Italian Duotone (Charcoal Gray) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautif...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Maroon)
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Maroon Italian Duotone (Maroon) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• Beautiful, prof...

Defending the Faith Study Bible (Italian Duotone Maroon) THUMB INDEX
Defending the Faith Study Bible - Italian Duotone Maroon [THUMB INDEX] Italian Duotone (Maroon) — For other binding options click HERE. • Scores of special sections that cover topics such as God’s existence, Science and the Bible, God’s Justice and Hell, Defending the Bible’s Position on Prayer, Theistic Evolution, and The Bible and Slavery.• B...

Dinosaur Coloring Book
Dinosaur Coloring Book (English) Each page contains a brief caption and simple, but bold, original drawings. There are enough details to satisfy the more demanding experts—er, kids—in your home. And when they\'re ready to put down the crayons and pick up a pencil, they can follow mazes, search for hidden creatures, join the dots, and match dinos...

Dinosaur Delusion, The
The Dinosaur Delusion by Eric Lyons and Kyle Butt The evidence within this book provides an irrefutable case that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. The authors masterfully weave the scientific and historical evidence into the biblical model of creation, showing that true science does not contradict an accurate reading of the Bible. 2008, 244 pages...

Dinosaur Field Journal
Dinosaur Field Journal by Kyle Butt & Jeremy Pate; Illustrated by Jeremy Pate God created all land-living animals, including dinosaurs, on day six of Creation—the same day He created humans. Imagine what it must have been like to marvel at the size and power of such animals. Pick up the Dinosaur Field Journal and go on an amazing journey wi...

Dinosaurs Unleashed - 3rd Ed.
Dinosaurs Unleashed (Revised Edition) The True Story About Dinosaurs and Humans by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons Packed with beautiful illustrations and informative, easy-to-read text, this edition of AP's most popular children's book is a “must have” for those who want to know the truth about dinosaurs and humans. Written on a 3rd-6th grade level, D...

Does God Exist? (Book)
Does God Exist? Editor, Dave Miller, Ph.D. Can we know that God exists? Most people throughout history have believed in some concept of a Supreme Being. Granted, many have had a rather distorted understanding of Who that Being is. Nevertheless, the vast majority have been convinced there is a higher Power greater than man. Why? Regardless of man...

Does God Like to Paint?
Does God Like...to Paint? by Branyon May, Ph.D. and Alana May, M.S. The marvelous phenomena of the Universe reflect the glory of the all-powerful God Who made them. The planets, stars, constellations, nebulas, galaxies, and all other amazing features of the Cosmos provide stunning evidence that the God of the Bible exists. The proof is there for...

Dogs, Frogs, and Hogs
Learn to Read:Dogs, Frogs, and Hogs by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in learnin...

Ducks, Bucks, and Woodchucks
Learn to Read:Ducks, Bucks, and Woodchucks by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in...

Early Reader Series (12)
$22.00 $24.00
AP Reader Series: Early Readers(12 Books) The Apologetics Press Early Reader Series is a set of books aimed at children in kindergarten through second grade. Depending on the age of your children, this series is flexible enough so that parents may choose to read to their children, read along with their children, or listen while their children ...

End Times, The
The End Times by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Events in the Middle East continually evoke a steady stream of fundamentalist outcries that the end of time is near. What about... the Rapture? the Antichrist? Armageddon? the Tribulation? the Millennium? Does the Bible really teach these doctrines? Does the Bible actually speak about Russia, China, and the...

Fake Founding Father Quotes Examined
Fake Founding Father Quotes Examined by Dave Miller, Ph.D. This book analyzes several quotations from atheist and politically liberal Web sites. The quotations supposedly prove that the Founding Fathers were atheists and deists. They allege that the Founders intended for Christianity to have no part in the founding of the country. Typical quotat...