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Anvil Rings, The (Volume 1)
The Anvil Rings (Volume 1) Answers To Alleged Bible Discrepancies by Eric Lyons One of the first things that any honest truth-seeker would want to know, if someone came to him claiming to be in possession of revelation from God, is if the “revelation” was factually accurate. The fallibility of the message would be the first indication that it w...

Anvil Rings, The (Volume 2)
The Anvil Rings (Volume II) Answers To Alleged Bible Discrepancies by Eric Lyons The Anvil Rings volume 2 was written in order to assist Christians in their fight against skepticism and to help non-Christians see how logical it is to believe in an inspired, inerrant Bible. Whether you are a plumber or a preacher, a biochemist or a bricklayer, a...

Anvil Rings, The (Volume 3)
The Anvil Rings (Volume III) Answers To Alleged Bible Discrepancies by Eric Lyons Critically examining one’s faith and taking the time and effort to find answers to difficult questions is a good (and necessary) thing to do if a person wants to have a fortified faith. Far too often, Christians find themselves unprepared to combat the charges lev...

Baptism and the Greek Made Simple
Baptism & the Greek Made Simple by Dave Miller, Ph.D. The Greek grammar that the Holy Spirit selected to express Himself is sufficiently clear that the translators of the average English translation have conveyed to the average person Christ's intention with regard to the purpose of baptism. We must not allow our church affiliations or huma...

Bats, Cats, and Rats
Learn to Read:Bats, Cats and Rats by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in learning t...

Behemoth and Leviathan
Behemoth and Leviathan:Mythological, Hyperbolic, or Literal? by Dave Miller, Ph.D. The past existence of dinosaurs on Earth is an established historical and scientific fact. "So why doesn't the Bible mention them?" IT DOES. The Bible does, in fact, allude to dinosaur and reptile-like creatures. Like Job, we ought to stand in awe of the living Go...

Behold! The Lamb of God
Behold! The Lamb of God by Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons The personality of Jesus Christ is the most outstanding, effective manifestation of God’s care that our lost and sinful world has ever witnessed. This book presents a well-documented, positive case for the historicity, deity, and uniqueness of Jesus. The reader will be forced to answer the ques...

Bible On Trial
The Bible On Trial by Wayne Jackson Never has the book market been more flooded with anti-Bible volumes. The faith of Christians is challenged constantly. For almost a half-century Wayne Jackson has made a special study of the evidences that pertain to the credibility of the Bible. He has surveyed the critical works that have put "the Bible of t...

Bible Translation Controversy
The Bible Translation Controversy by Wayne Jackson Which translation of the Bible is the “right” translation? Some view with suspicion most anyone who uses any Bible translation other than the King James Version. Others, with an equal lack of discernment, exhibit little interest in a textually accurate edition of God’s Holy Book. This little vol...

Birds, Bugs, and Bees
Learn to Read:Birds, Bugs, and Bees by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in learni...

Christ and the Continental Congress
Christ and the Continental Congress by Dave Miller, Ph.D. The sequel to The Silencing of God: The Dismantling of America’s Christian Heritage, which documents the sinister attempt to expunge America’s religious heritage, this fascinating book answers the question: Did the Founders believe that the survival of the Republic depends on America’s ac...

Christian's Guide to Refuting Modern Atheism
A Christian's Guide to Refuting Modern Atheism by Kyle Butt The atheistic community’s numbers are on the rise in the U.S. due to its fervent, evangelistic tactics among our nation’s impressionable youth. Christians have been called to “always be ready to give a defense to anyone” who would challenge the existence of God and the Faith of His Son ...

Continental Congress Proclamation Packet
Continental Congress Proclamation Packet compiled by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Intended as a supplement and companion volume to Christ and the Continental Congress, the Proclamation Packet contains all 15 proclamations issued by the Continental Congress from 1775 to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War in 1783. Printed on colored, textured stock, th...

Creation Cards - Animal Kingdom
Creation Cards—God's Animal Kingdom Newly Revitalized & Updated Cards One of the tasks that we at Apologetics Press take very seriously is helping people of all ages know more about the God Who created them. Through the years, we have learned that if we can begin at a very early age, we enjoy more success in our efforts. Parents understand t...

Creation Cards - Gods Creation
Creation Cards—Exploring God's Creation New Price: $9.95 One of the tasks that we at Apologetics Press take very seriously is helping people of all ages know more about the God Who created them. Through the years, we have learned that if we can begin at a very early age, we enjoy more success in our efforts. Parents understand the logic behind t...

Creation, Evolution and the Age of the Earth
Creation, Evolution and the Age of the Earth by Wayne Jackson There is one matter upon which both creationists and evolutionists agree. It is this: Time is absolutely crucial to the evolutionary scheme. Without long eras of time—billions of years—there is utterly no way to accommodate the theory of evolution. In this book, Wayne Jackson, drawing...

Crows, Does, and Hippos
Learn to Read:Crows, Does, and Hippos by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in learn...

Defenders Series: Book 1—Defending God
Defending God: His Existence & Creation by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons Throughout the course of human history, God has often used young people to bring about some of His most memorable and brilliant victories. David’s fight with Goliath, Daniel’s bravery in the foreign land of Babylon, and Timothy’s courageous preaching of the Gospel remind u...

Defenders Series: Book 2—Defending the Bible
Defending the Bible by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons This second book in AP’s Defenders Series is for young people who want to learn about the evidence for the inspiration of the Bible. Defending the Bible can help teens strengthen their faith, heighten their skills in studying what they will come to know is God’s Word, and build confidence in thei...

Defenders Series: Book 3—Defending Jesus
Defending Jesus by Kyle Butt & Eric Lyons This third book in AP’s Defenders Series is for young people who want to go deeper in their knowledge and love of the nature, life, sacrifice, teachings, and resurrection of Jesus. Nothing is more important than learning all about and defending our Lord and Savior. Chapter Titles include (among othe...