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God Made Plants
Early Reader: God Made Plants by Kyle Butt From the magnificent redwood trees to the beautiful rose, plants fill our world with variety, beauty, and helpful resources. When we look at an apple tree, a stalk of wheat, or a host of other plants, we can see God’s gracious care for humans, and His amazing creative ability. 2006, 32 pages, paperback...

God made Puppies
Early Reader:God Made Puppies by Kyle Butt God created dogs on the sixth day of Creation. Dogs give birth to puppies, and puppies are some of the most fun animals in the world. Puppies run, jump, romp, wrestle, chew and do all sorts of other activities. Because God loves humans, He gave them the ability to tame and train animals such as puppies....

God Made Reptiles
Early Reader:God Made Reptiles by Eric Lyons God made an array of reptiles on days five and six of Creation. Some land-living reptiles are so small they can fit in the palm of your hand with room to spare. Other reptiles once grew to be longer and heavier than a school bus. God even made some reptiles that could soar through the air with a wings...

God Made Sea Creatures
Early Reader: God Made Sea Creatures by Kyle Butt On day five of Creation, the waters were filled with interesting, amazing fish similar to the ones we see today. All sea creatures have unique abilities specifically designed by God. The more our children learn about these animals, the more they will learn about the intelligent God who designed t...

God Made the World
Early Reader:God Made the World by Kyle Butt One of the most important things that children can learn is that God created the Universe. The Bible says, “In six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day” (Exodus 20:11). He made the Sun to shine, and the stars to twinkle. He created...

God Made You
Early Reader:God Made You by Kyle Butt Children are naturally curious about themselves. "Why do I have two eyes?" "How do my ears work?" "Who made me?" These are just a few of their many questions. The Bible says that the human body is "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). The human brain, eyes, ears, and other body parts were masterf...

Goose, Moose, and Mongoose
Learn to Read:Goose, Moose, and Mongoose by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in ...

Hares, Mares, and Bears
Learn to Read:Hares, Mares, and Bears by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in learni...

How Do You Know God is Real?
How Do You Know God is Real? by Kyle Butt Children are naturally inquisitive. They want to know how birds fly, why grass is green, what makes snow cold, and millions of other things. While many of their questions deal with trivial matters, children often ask some of the most profound, important questions in the world. One such question is, “How...

How Do You Know the Bible is from God?
How Do You Know the Bible Is from God? by Kyle Butt How do we know that God wrote the Bible? What makes the Bible different from other books? Does the Bible have errors in it? Where did the Bible come from? Answers to these types of questions can be found in this book for 4th-6th graders. With 13 chapters, professional artwork, charts, and activ...

Illuminators 1
Illuminators by Josh Hardin Braden goes to Bible class every Sunday. He has for his entire life. Then one day at school, a girl asks him a question he can't answer: "If God is real, why did He let my dad die?" Braden begins to wonder: Is God real? Suddenly, things he knew were true became dark and cloudy. So his mom gives him a special light—an ...

Illuminators 2
Illuminators 2 by Josh Hardin Anajha wondered, was the Bible true? Or was it only full of good stories someone invented? The Illuminators app flickered. What did it mean? She knew God was real, but now she wasn’t sure if she could trust the Bible. How could she know? And what did that say about God? Wasn’t He powerful enough to send us a message...

Illuminators 3
Illuminators 3 by Josh Hardin “Why do I have to do everything Jesus says?” As soon as he asked, Jeremy knew it was a mistake. So did his mom. That’s why she grounded him from video games for a week. But maybe it was a good question. Why did Jeremy, or anyone else, have to do what Jesus says? Who is Jesus, that He can tell people what they should...

Learn to Read Series (All 12)
$22.00 $24.00
AP Reader Series: Learn to Read(All 12 Books) Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in learning to read, wh...

Loons, Coons, and Baboons
Learn to Read:Loons, Coons, and Baboons by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in lear...

Matter of Fact
Matter of Fact:More Evidence for Christianity by Kyle Butt As evolution and skepticism continue to bombard our teens, we continue to fight back with the Truth. Written in the same format as Out With Doubt, this book digs into more Christian evidences, dealing with subjects like the biblical concept of faith, the Bible and archaeology, the laws o...

Out With Doubt
Out With DoubtA Look At The Evidence For Christianity by Kyle Butt This volume, written mainly for junior high and high school age groups, examines the existence of God, the inspiration of the Bible, the age of the Earth, dinosaurs and the Bible, miracles, the resurrection of Christ, and other topics, including what a person must do to be saved....

Out With Doubt - Spanish
Out With Doubt (Spanish)A Look At The Evidence For Christianity by Kyle Butt This volume, written mainly for junior high and high school age groups, examines the existence of God, the inspiration of the Bible, the age of the Earth, dinosaurs and the Bible, miracles, the resurrection of Christ, and other topics, including what a person must do to...

Sharks, Larks, and Aardvarks
Learn to Read:Sharks, Larks, and Aardvarks by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in ...

Snails, Quails, and Whales
Learn to Read:Snails, Quails, and Whales by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Most American children have learned to read using such books as “Dick and Jane.” But what better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children (ages 3-6) for the purpose of assisting them in le...