Daniel: A Study of Bible Prophecy—Session 1 [Audio Download]
Daniel: A Study of Bible Prophecy (Session 1 of 2) (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. Runtime: 48 minutes Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive an order number within your browser. At the bottom of that message, or in the email receipt, a download link to your product will appear. Click on the link and se...
Homosexuality: Science, Psychology, and Scripture [Audio Download]
Homosexuality: Science, Psychology, and Scripture (Audio Download) by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. Society has been indoctrinated to believe the lie that toleration of homosexuality is a virtue. Those who speak out against it are vilified as mean-spirited homophobes. But Science, Psychology, and Scripture have spoken on the matter. Homosexuality is a choi...
Answering Alleged Chronological Contradictions [Audio Download]
Answering Alleged Chronological Contradictions (Audio Download) by Eric Lyons Making the assumption that the entire Bible was written chronologically hinders a proper understanding of the text. In this lesson, Eric addresses several alleged contradictions and demonstrates how they can be resolved simply by acknowledging that many times Bible wri...
Why Did God Create Man? [Audio Download]
Why Did God Create Man? (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. While it is impossible for finite man to understand all of the purposes of our infinite Creator, we can understand those things that He has revealed to us. Has God revealed anything in His Word to help answer the question, “Why Did God Create Man?” Join Wayne Jackson in his excellen...
Age of the Universe: Evidence and Assumptions [Audio Download]
The Age of the Universe: Evidence and Assumptions (Audio Download) by Mike Houts, Ph.D. One of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by atheists and humanists is that the theory of evolution is somehow “science.” Dr. Houts demonstrates that, in reality, evolution is merely a tenet of the false religion of atheism. Runtime: 41 min. Download Instruc...
Hard Sayings of the Bible Examined [Audio Download]
Hard Sayings of the Bible Examined (2 sessions) (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. Runtime: 85 min. Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive an order number within your browser. At the bottom of that message, or in the email receipt, a download link to your product will appear. Click on the link and select ...
Guardian Angels [Audio Download]
Guardian Angels (Audio Download) by Eric Lyons Millions of people around the world have been captivated by the thought of guardian angels. Though many people who identify themselves as Christians believe in the existence of this special class of angels, the only thing that ultimately matters about this subject or any other is, “What does God’s W...
Christ in Isaiah [Audio Download]
Christ in Isaiah (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. Isaiah is often referred to as the Messianic prophet for a reason--he recorded numerous prophecies about the coming Messiah. Join Wayne Jackson in this masterful Bible lesson as he expounds upon various Messianic messages, especially from Isaiah chapters 6-9. Runtime: 43 min. Download Inst...
Are there Mistakes in the Bible? [Audio Download]
Are there Mistakes in the Bible? (Audio Download) by Kyle Butt A session from the "Out With Doubt" seminar conducted by Kyle Butt. Take a compelling look at the overwhelming evidence that proves the truths of Christianity. This engaging series guides the viewer on an exciting trip through the facts that are essential to a well-grounded faith. In...
8 Causes of America's Culture Cancer [Audio Download]
8 Causes of America's Culture Cancer(Audio Download) by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. From the beginning, Satan has been at the root of the disease. Since many Americans are “ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11), many are unwittingly indulging in the very things that initiate spiritual cancer in our culture. Every Christian should ask the question...
Bible and Slavery [Audio Download]
The Bible and Slavery (Audio Download) by Kyle Butt Skeptics contend that the biblical view of slavery is immoral and unjust. In this lesson, Kyle Butt shows that the skeptics' allegations are groundless and cannot be sustained. Runtime: 39 min. Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive an order number within your...
Bible and Archaeology-Part 1 [Audio Download]
The Bible and Archaeology (Session 1 of 2) (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. Runtime: 73 min. Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive an order number within your browser. At the bottom of that message, or in the email receipt, a download link to your product will appear. Click on the link and select a dow...
Problem of Evil, Pain, and Suffering [Audio Download]
The Problem of Evil, Pain, and Suffering (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. Runtime: 45 min. Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive an order number within your browser. At the bottom of that message, or in the email receipt, a download link to your product will appear. Click on the link and select a downlo...
Return of Christ [Audio Download]
The Return of Christ (Audio Download) by Eric Lyons The return of Christ is one of the major themes of the New Testament. Mankind is warned to prepare for it, and Christians, who long to see Jesus face to face, are expected to look forward to it as they live holy and godly lives. Join Eric as he highlights lessons learned from Matthew 25 about ...
Evolution and Morality [Audio Download]
Evolution and Morality (Audio Download) by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. Though some believe you can have both, the truth is that evolution and morality are mutually exclusive. Runtime: 47 min. Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive an order number within your browser. At the bottom of that message, or in the email rece...
Becoming a Christian [Audio Download]
Becoming a Christian (Audio Download) by Kyle Butt Runtime: 25 min. Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive an order number within your browser. At the bottom of that message, or in the email receipt, a download link to your product will appear. Click on the link and select a download location. On mobile device...
Abortion & the Bible [Audio Download]
Abortion & the Bible (Audio Download) by Dave Miller, Ph.D. This television program, taped in the 1990s, provides an analysis of Bible passages that pertain to the subject of abortion. The content may be found in an article by the same title on the AP Web site. Runtime: 22 min. Download Instructions: Upon completion of your purchase, ...
Credibility of the Genesis Record [Audio Download]
The Credibility of the Genesis Record (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. Is the Genesis account of Creation reliable? Does it contradict common sense? Has science disproven it? Is it to be interpreted as historical or mythical? Join Wayne Jackson as he logically and scripturally discusses the credibility of the Genesis record. Runtime: 41 m...
Nature of Eternal Punishment [Audio Download]
The Nature of Eternal Punishment (Audio Download) by Wayne Jackson, M.A. Runtime: 30 min. NOTE: The recording of this excellent lesson by Wayne Jackson ends at the 30-minute mark, rather than the original extended version. We apologize for this inconvenience, but we hope that you will greatly benefit from the excellent material that was able to ...
America is Walking Away From God [Audio Download]
America is Walking Away From God (Audio Download) by Dave Miller, Ph.D. America's birth took place in a context of national acknowledgment of the God of the Bible: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator...." The Founders even spoke of their "firm reliance on the protection...